Palosanto brand story

Starting with Dafine brand Name and founder Jalal Serlak

In 2008, Dafineh Group, under the management of Jalal Sarlek, started working in the field of furniture industry.
The work started with 2 personnel and the services were limited to the distribution of home furniture and wooden products.
In the furniture industry, several options are important to customers, including sofa quality, on-time delivery, and new and eye-catching models.
Therefore, it was decided to set up one of the largest and best furniture manufacturing facilities to monitor the production of sofas from zero to one hundred.

Do you know what Palosanto means?

Why did we choose Palosanto as our brand name?

Palo Santo is a sacred tree that grows in South America. This tree should only be destroyed naturally and no one will have the right to cut and destroy it.
When the Spanish saints discovered this wood, they had experiences with this wood that showed the power of cleansing and curing some diseases. For this reason, they named it holy wood or holy tree.

Palosanto creates a heavenly aroma and raises the level of mental alertness and helps to provide space for meditation.

we sincerly hope to present you the magic just like palosanto.

Palosanto sofa production factory

Imagine your sofa, the men of Palosanto will make it for you

  • Proudly the largest production collection of steel, classic and neoclassical furniture in Isfahan
  • Proudly one of the top 5 furniture manufacturers in Iran
  • Production of furniture from zero to one hundred directly
  • Direct import of required quality material
  • The most professional and experienced craftsmen of the furniture industry in the country
  • Has reliable sales agents